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Hear from our happy customers

So, you probably do your skin care routine twice a day, but let me ask you this - when was the last time you put anything on your feet other than socks? I know that luxury foot care set you got for Christmas is collecting dust - but that stops now

Our heels and toes deserve just as much pampering as our faces do. Here’s our guide to the best ways to indulge a bit of self-care for our heels with foot care products.

The Foot Care Essentials

Something everyone should have in their foot care arsenal is a foot scrub. You could always repurpose a body scrub or face exfoliator that you didn’t like for its original purpose, too. 

Ensuring that any excess skin is out of the way helps to ensure that the next part of your foot care routine is as effective as it should be - foot cream. Any decent foot care set will have both some form of exfoliation and moisture to help create your ideal foot care routine!

A basic foot cream will help to moisturise, preventing ashy skin and flaking from rearing their ugly heads. For dry heels that are starting to crack, opt for thicker textures to really lock moisture into the skin. These two-foot care products will make a huge difference! Look for ingredients such as shea butter and urea to moisturise and repair cracked heels. 

Our Best Foot Care Tips

While a pedicure will go a long way to ensuring your feet are perfectly groomed, there are things that you can do at home to keep your feet looking good between appointments. 

Once you’ve figured out a favourite thick, nourishing foot cream here’s something to do at least once a week to heal dry, cracked feet. Apply a thick layer of cream on, then put on some socks - preferably cotton. The best time to do this is just before bed so you wake up with super soft, gorgeous feet in the morning! 

Shop the best in luxury foot care essentials at Beauty Affairs!