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Hear from our happy customers

One of the backbone products of any body care routine has to be soap. I mean, it’s the same 

as starting a skincare routine with face wash - you need to start with a clean slate so you can make the most of what you apply afterward, right?

Liquid vs. Bar Soap: What’s Better?

The great thing about luxury soaps is that they come in so many different formulas; bar, liquid, and even mousse. Whichever one you pick depends on your skin - however, none of them will let you down when it comes to leaving your hands clean!

One win for bar soaps is that they’re multi-purpose - you can use them as a bath soap or hand wash. I mean, since they come in so many heavenly scents it’s easy to see why you’d want to use some as bath soap, too! They’re formulated to cleanse the skin from top to toe, leaving you ready for the rest of your body care routine (which hopefully also includes a body scrub and body moisturiser)!

The Best Soap for Hand Hygiene

Soaps are formulated with a lot of extras these days - antibacterial ingredients, as well as nourishing ingredients, to stop dry skin like shea butter. How are you supposed to know how to choose what’s the right one for you?

Well, here’s the thing - the best one for you is the one that you’ll want to wash your hands with. When it comes to buying soap, shop with your favourite scents in mind - you might just find one that smells like your favourite flower. 

You might like how this one lather, or how another one smells - no matter if they’re liquid or bar, as long as you wash your hands for long enough, your hands will be left sparkling clean. 

Find your new favourite soap - shop Beauty Affairs now.